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Foldfactory Coolness

Foldfactory Coolness

Studies show that visuals are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text. And, they’re retained far longer. Every week we get an email video from Foldfactory, a company who specializes in creative folded formats for direct mail and marketing use, and each week we're impressed. 

Not only do they talk about something we love - paper - but they show it in a way that would interest, well, anyone (we think). The Foldfactory weekly email video is called FOLD of the Week and, you guessed it, they share a new, super-cool fold with us, each week. 

Here are a few of our favorites:


If those don't inspire you to hop on the direct mail train, we don't know what will! To see more of Foldfactory's super-cool folds, check out their website and sign up for their emails here

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